Car maintenance is full of well-intentioned advice, but not all of it is accurate. Some common car care practices are based on myths and misconceptions that can lead to unnecessary expenses, wasted time, or even damage to your vehicle. Let’s debunk some of the most prevalent car maintenance myths and set the record straight.

Myth 1: You need to change your oil every 3,000 miles.

This is one of the most persistent car maintenance myths. While it was once true for older vehicles, modern engines and oil formulations have improved significantly. Most car manufacturers now recommend oil change intervals of 5,000 to 7,500 miles or even longer. Check your owner’s manual for the specific recommendation for your vehicle.

Myth 2: Premium gas is always better for your car.

Unless your car’s manufacturer specifically recommends premium gas, using it won’t offer any performance or fuel economy benefits. Most cars are designed to run on regular unleaded gasoline.

Myth 3: You need to warm up your car for several minutes before driving in cold weather.

Modern cars don’t need to be warmed up for long periods. It’s sufficient to let the engine run for a minute or two to allow the oil to circulate before driving gently. Excessive idling wastes fuel and contributes to pollution.

Myth 4: You should always fill up your gas tank to the brim.

Overfilling your gas tank can damage the evaporative emissions control system, which is designed to capture fuel vapors. Stop filling when the pump automatically shuts off.

Myth 5: You can skip transmission fluid changes.

Transmission fluid, like engine oil, breaks down over time and needs to be replaced. Skipping transmission fluid changes can lead to premature wear and tear, reduced performance, and expensive repairs. Follow your car manufacturer’s recommended service intervals.

Myth 6: You should replace your car’s timing belt every 60,000 miles.

The recommended timing belt replacement interval varies depending on your car’s make and model. Some cars require timing belt replacement at 60,000 miles, while others can go much longer. Consult your owner’s manual for the specific recommendation.

Myth 7: You should flush your power steering fluid regularly.

Power steering fluid doesn’t need to be flushed unless there’s a problem with the power steering system, such as leaks or contamination. Follow your car manufacturer’s recommendations for power steering fluid maintenance.

Myth 8: All car repairs are expensive.

While some repairs can be costly, many routine maintenance tasks and minor repairs are affordable. Regular maintenance can also help prevent major problems that require expensive fixes.

Total Auto Care: Separating Fact from Fiction

At Total Auto Care, we believe in educating our customers about proper car maintenance. Our knowledgeable technicians can help you separate fact from fiction and develop a maintenance plan that’s tailored to your vehicle’s specific needs. We’ll ensure your car is well-maintained without unnecessary expenses or hassle.

Don’t Fall for Myths:

By debunking these common car maintenance myths, you can make informed decisions about your car’s care and avoid unnecessary spending. Remember, your car’s owner’s manual is the best source of information for specific maintenance recommendations. If you’re unsure about a particular maintenance task or have questions about car care, don’t hesitate to consult a trusted mechanic or service center like Total Auto Care. We’re here to help you keep your car running smoothly and safely for years to come.